The study examines immorality in churches: issues and the way forward. Specifically, the study aims to examine the issues of immorality in churches, determine the way forward on the issue of church immorality and identify the factors encouraging immorality in churches.The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 141 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analyzed, the findings revealed that immorality has significant effect on the socio well-being of churches. The study thereby recommend that churches should focus more in preaching the message of repentance rather than prosperity message that is the order of the day in most churches today. Members should also not be allowed to wear whatever they feel like to church to avoid distracting others including the Priests, Pastors and Bishops.
The main objective of the study is to empirically evaluate the critical roles of small businesses in economic...
In this dissertation a Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA) based system that detected multiple instances of circle...
Background of study
Antibiotic resistance has recently emerged as a significant and alarming problem in the medical community. It is a re...
This study examines the Impact of Cashless Policy on the Performance of Nigeria Financial Institutions. This s...
Background of the study
There is a general saying that “there is no smoke without fire,” this also means tha...
Cassava productivity is limited by soil fertility status and maturity period. Frequently used mineral fertilizer is expensive an...
This study was carried out to analyzing the Influence of Teaching Practice on the Effectivenes...
ABSTRACT: This study examines the role of early childhood education in promoting eco-friendly products among young children. Teaching children...
Tax collection has remained an issue of great concern to past and present governments of Niger...
The study investigates the impact of small and medium scale industries on the Nigerian economy, spanning from 1986 to 2010. The...